Ko te tangi a te tūī, tui, tui, tuia. Ko te tangi a te huia, hui, hui, huia Ko te tangi a te tangata, kanohi ki te kanohi Tihei mauri ora The resounding cries of our native birds, the tūī, and the huia, call us to gather together, commanding us to be connected to story and to place Behold, tis the breath of life

For more than 40 years Tauranga City Libraries has carefully collected and preserved its history as part of an extensive archive collection. Now you can access their rich and varied collection on Pae Korokī: Tauranga archives online.
With more than 20,000 taonga available from launch Pae Korokī: Tauranga archives online will continue to grow. As they digitise more of the archive collections they will be made available online for you to enjoy as well as for future generations.
Pae Korokī is unique; with an earthy feel and a sense of identity interwoven through the website you will certainly discover lots of untold stories.
“Ka korokī ngā manu ka tākiri ko te ata”
“The dawn chorus of the birds signals a new day”