Recollect generates unparalleled access to digital collections: it provides the ability to view all types of content, no matter their format, all within one platform, and it can be used on any device.
Access is more than simply being able to view a thumbnail – Recollect ensures that content is accessible to the user in as much detail as possible. Images can be stored and viewed at full resolution or downloaded in a size that makes sense to the user.
Multiple display options are available within Recollect for all types of content. This allows for a customized experience when viewing photographs, PDF documents, audio, video, and 3D files. There are also various kinds of metadata display options available, detailing attributes like the subject, author, location, time, and year.
Audio and video content can be played, paused, viewed in full screen, and skipped to selected intervals within an asset.
3D object files can be viewed and manipulated, enabling users to interact and engage with the vast detail these objects can hold.

Recollect generates unparalleled access to digital collections: it provides the ability to view all types of content, no matter their format, all within one platform, and it can be used on any device.
Access is more than simply being able to view a thumbnail – Recollect ensures that content is accessible to the user in as much detail as possible. Images can be stored and viewed at full resolution or downloaded in a size that makes sense to the user.
Multiple display options are available within Recollect for all types of content. This allows for a customized experience when viewing photographs, PDF documents, audio, video, and 3D files. There are also various kinds of metadata display options available, detailing attributes like the subject, author, location, time, and year.
Audio and video content can be played, paused, viewed in full screen, and skipped to selected intervals within an asset.
3D object files can be viewed and manipulated, enabling users to interact and engage with the vast detail these objects can hold.

Special Collection Management and Community Engagement
Reach out and empower your community or stakeholders with the Recollect cloud-based platform. Build your identity, enrich your collections, capture and manage new content, as well as discuss new ideas from anywhere in the world

Special Collection Management and Community Engagement
Reach out and empower your community or stakeholders with the Recollect cloud-based platform. Build your identity, enrich your collections, capture and manage new content, as well as discuss new ideas from anywhere in the world
Metadata and contextual information configure your Recollect website and link your assets together
Access to all types of content, in any format, anytime, in one platform, from any device
Enhance the quality of engagement your community will have with your digital collections
Manage all your data all in one place for simpler management and better activity reporting
Comprehensive preservation to protect and preserve your digital assets online for future generations