Management and discovery for your digital collection

Manage, organize, preserve, and showcase your collections with a single digital repository built to support staff, students, and researchers

Contact Recollect

Build your award-winning digital archive

Recollect works with your institution to create a digital archive that enables efficient management across a variety of collections, creates discoverable pathways between relevant items, and presents your collection through an intuitive, easy-to-use interface

Intuitive, effective collection management

Recollect seamlessly combines digital asset management, digital preservation, and community engagement systems into one cohesive platform

Support faculty and staff

Streamlined access, management, and preservation means your staff can spend less time managing collections, and more time building them

Support students and researchers

Advanced search functions, curated sub-collections, and contextual discovery pathways provide easy, intuitive access to your collection

Digital preservation

Recollect Digital Preservation ensures your assets, metadata, and contextual information are protected from digital degradation and file obsolescence

Supporting academic institutions worldwide

Universities, schools, and research institutions of all sizes have incorporated Recollect to manage their content, preserve their records, and showcase their collection to the world

Explore a selection of digital archives here, or visit this page to explore how libraries, archives, and academic institutions are using Recollect

Manage, organize, and enrich your collections

Our experienced implementation teams use dedicated workshops to understand your specific requirements, ensuring your digital archive meets your unique needs

Facilitate efficient collection management, incorporate existing workflows, and easily manage diverse collections through Recollect’s comprehensive platform

Enhance access and discovery

Recollect's cloud-based platform ensures students, researchers, and staff can access your entire digital collection from anywhere, anytime, on any device

Supported by a variety of showcase tools, including information hubs, digital exhibits, integrated map search, and automatic discovery pathways, your audience will be able to access exactly what they need, and easily identify all the contextual information held in your collection

Manage your collection

Comprehensive file support

Store and preserve image, audio, video, text, document, and 3D files, accessible through a single universal viewer

Configurable item templates

Configurable item and metadata templates allow you to easily upload, organize, and manage all the content your collection

Batch upload and edit

Efficiently upload, update, and clean high volumes of data with dedicated batch upload and ingest tools

Automatic OCR

Recollect's automatic OCR converts handwritten text into searchable, editable transcriptions

Integrated digital preservation

Our Digital Preservation ensure your assets and information are archived, monitored, and migrated when necessary, protecting files from digital degradation and obsolescence

API integration

Connect and share your digital archive with the global community using a variety of available APIs

Quick statistics

Gain insight into how your collection is used with quick statistics

Engage your community

Establish your identity

Leverage metadata and create connections within your digital archive to easily navigate between items, collections, and contextual information

Contextual information hubs

Create information hubs to provide information on people, events, sub-collections, and other topics, while providing direct links to all related items

Tailored user experience

Define your end user through our Persona and User Experience workshops, and structure your collection to meet their needs

Advanced search

Advanced search options enable users to browse your entire collection using linked metadata, searchable text, and descriptive filters

Access control groups

Ensure sensitive and restricted content is only accessible by the intended audience with secure access control groups

Community contributions

Enable community contributions to allow your users to contribute their historically significant material, or suggest edits, tags, or comments on existing content

Personal user collections

Allow registered users to save items to their own "My Collection", enabling them to personalize their experience and keep track of their own progress
Grace Thomas Invertebrate Collection

"Recollect provides a central mechanism where we can search, browse, sort, and clean our data in one compiled system.

It really helps with curation itself, not just to find items but to constantly improve them and the data associated with them, due to a much more intuitive workflow and more stability than what my previous collection was stored on."

John Wares, Odum School of Ecology and Department of Genetics

University of Georgia, Franklin College of Arts and Sciences

Navigating Digital Collection Software: Stories of Strategy and Success

Managing digital assets, providing patron access and engagement, and ensuring digital preservation all provide unique challenges, particularly when collection managers must consider integration, information silos, and conditional requirements for their institution.

Hosted by the Library Journal, join representatives from Montana State Library, the State of Arizona Research Library, and the University of Georgia’s Franklin College as they discuss how they navigated the challenges of consolidating their digital collection management systems into a single platform, how they prioritized their unique requirements, and the outcomes of their journey.

Watch the webinar here

Reach out to Recollect

Get in touch to learn more about the Recollect platform, or book a demonstration with our Product Specialists.